UPDATE: Today Wednesday 28th, we are streaming the conference using  our CogamTV channel in YouTube LIVE. You can find also the previously recorded sessions (mostly all in english language).

Conference summary:

  • Dates: June, 27th to 28th as part of the World Pride 2017 in Madrid.
  • Place: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain).
  • Organized by: COGAM (we are a democratic, participatory, inclusive, independent and non-profit LGTB+ organization in Spain)
  • Registration price: 20 €


Main topics:

  • Progress in scientific research supposes a radical change in the following points:
  • HIV infection is not a death sentence anymore, and it has become a chronic condition with which people living with HIV have a life expectancy similar to the average population.
  • New treatments undoubtedly improve a strong lessening of the side effects of medication, and have become much simpler to administer to patients. All of it results in an improvement of the quality of life for people with HIV and in their capabilities to access and hold jobs, integrate socially and lead a family life (including reproductive functions), practically at the same level of the general population.
  • New biomedical prevention strategies have been developed to considerably increase the capacity to hinder the spread of HIV infection: preventive ARV treatment, pre-exposure profilaxis, post-exposure profilaxis, etc.
  • Human-Rights & HIV
  • Concerning sexual health, presentations will deal with the increase of substance usage in sexual practice (chemsex) and the use of new geolocalisation apps as a tool to eradicate HIV/Aids related stigma. All of which demands a new analysis of sexual relationships.
  • The situation of sex workers will also be considered due to the high frequency of HIV and other STD’s among them.


Some of the participants:

  • Prof. Dr. J. Rockstroh Infectología/HIV Hospital Universitario Bonn.
  • Dr. Mallon, Associate Dean, Research, Innovation and Impact UCD School of Medicine.
  • Richard Berkowitz (participante de los Principios de Denver y activista histórico).
  • Dr. Santiago Moreno, Jefe de Servicio de Enfermedades Infecciosas del Hospital Ramón y Cajal de Madrid.
  • Michael Meulbroek (fundador y presidente de Hispanosida).
  • Julia Del Amo, Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
  • Sheryar Kazi, Technical Support Manager at Naz Male Health Alliance.
  • Viken Darkjian, Counselor and Project Coordinator “Positive PeopleArmenian Network”.
  • Victor Hugo Robles, periodista, editor y activista gay, conocido como “El Che de los Gays”.
  • Dennis Wamala, Director de Programas Icebreakers Uganda.
  • David Stuart, Substance Use Lead, GUM/HIV. Dean Street Wellbeing Programme curator.
  • Diego García, Presidente de ADHARA, activista por DDHH de las personas que viven con VIH.
  • Vicente Estrada. Jefe de sección de Enfermedades Infecciosas del Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid.
  • Ferran Pujol, Director Checkpoint BCN.
  • Vanessa López, Directora Ejecutiva de Salud por Derecho.
  • M. José Fuster, Dr. Psicología Social, Directa Gerente de SEISIDA.
  • Ricardo De la Rosa, Asesoría Jurídica de Gais Positius.

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